Are you tired of not treating yourself with the love and compassion you deserve?

Learn to change your beliefs about yourself and become the friend to yourself that you are to others.

 INNER DIALOGUE'S vision is to create a safe, accepting, compassionate, and real space for folks to create a new and loving relationship with themselves through yogic practices and self-compassion.

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Yoga Nidra Meditations

Welcome! I am glad that you are here!

Have you taken some time to hear what is going on in your mind? What do you tend to say to yourself? Are these thoughts automatic and out of habit? Do you speak to yourself the way that you would to your friend or loved one?

Your thoughts are constantly flying by, thousands of them in just a few seconds. How many of those thoughts are nurturing, loving, and compassionate towards yourself? Do you love yourself in your own language, and not just repeating some beautiful blanket mantra?

Personally, I had zero recognition for how I spoke to myself. It was a relationship that I had lived with for all of my life, and I had no clue how toxic it was. In my newly found meditation practice years ago, I had such an AHA INNER DIALOGUE was completely destructive. It was automatic, and I was not able to differentiate if the ideas of myself were my own or a result of my environment.

Without acknowledgment or awareness, there can be no change. Change can happen! Change does happen, BUT it takes effort, practice, patience, and so much LOVE. Change is not linear. There is expansion, then retraction, peeling, and revealing. It's not healing, it's evolving. With continued dedication to yourself, you can physically change the neural pathways in your brain.

You are here in the journey of life, and you deserve to have YOU as your number one fan! My wish is for all of us to begin to deeply love ourselves as much as we love the people we hold near and dear to our hearts.

I hope that my journey of evolution will be a resource to your journey. Please never be hard on yourself like I was in the beginning. There is no such thing as the "end goal". It is a constant evolution. A new version of you is revealed each time you learn and experience something that shows up in your life.

Roam around and explore the various tools that are available to you. Let's change our INNER DIALOGUE through self-love and compassion.

-Kimi Moon

The ultimate goal of yoga : ‘Yoga is the stilling of the modifications of the mind’, or in Sanskrit, ‘Yogas citta vrtti nirodha.’
— Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Verse 1.2

Follow on Instagram @kimimoon


“Kim was gracious enough to come into my department’s virtual workspace and provide much-needed practice in grounding, breathwork, and gratitude. After the session with Kim, many colleagues stated they were incredibly impressed with the session and that it was the best meeting we have had as a department that year. Kim’s work is essential to moving teams along at times when the world becomes overwhelming and hard to navigate.”

-Matthew B.

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